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Partnership for The Collection of Data on PWD'S



The Peace Building Office was once a United Nations Funded Program from 2009 to 2016 but has since been turned into a government institution. It coordinates, monitors, and reports on peace and reconciliation programs in Liberia. It also develops policy programs and strategies related to peace and reconciliation. The PBO advises government on diverse subject matter and represent the government at different functions in relation to peace and reconciliation. The PBO is being funded by the Government of Liberia, with some programs funded by the UN and other donors. PBO hosts the Liberia early warning and response network which is a web-based platform. It composes of fifty-eight categories or indicators upon which data is collected extensively throughout the country. The Alliance intends to adopt this platform to provide reports or data on persons with disabilities.


Strategic goal:


In accordance with Article 31 of the UNCRPD which states that “States Parties undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical and research data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to the present Convention…”

The Alliance will work with The Liberia Peace Building office to ensure the collection of data on persons with disabilities by adopting the PBO Early warning network platform. Moreover, PBO reporters will be trained to report data on issues occurring in the disabled community, which will inform and guide the Alliance’s choice of projects and means of advocacy.

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